For What Pegman Saw Writing Prompt – Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day


Michael waited until they went on holiday back to Arne’s homeland in Northern Norway to pop the question. As he knelt on one knee he could remember how they had got to this point in this scenic beautiful area on Valentine’s Day about to become engaged. He had come over to Norway to work for six months. Within that time he had met and fell in love with the lad who served him his coffee each lunch-time. When he returned home to Ireland he had cried his eyes out. Yes, they agreed to long-distance romance but he missed him. Just as he was about to buy the ticket back to Norway, Arne had turned up at his flat. Said he’d been crying too. And though they knew then they’d never be apart, today was still special.
“Sure I might as well marry you Michael.”, Arne said in his trademark style.

In response to the What Pegman Saw writing prompt:



3 comments on “For What Pegman Saw Writing Prompt – Valentine’s Day

  1. k rawson says:

    Sweet love story.

  2. draliman says:

    Aw, nice he went all that way to see him again.

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