Poem: Opportunity

I have let myself down in the past,

this time I have to save myself,

it seems so hard

but it is an opportunity,

grab it Mitch,

make your life better,

take off lad,

get going,

let’s have fun,



a brain break,

I want to laugh so much

that I am crying out the stress.

What details of your life could you pay more attention to?

There is quite a few things but I think the area I want to pursue more is my transition. Yes, I pay a lot of heed to it already but there’s a lot and life gets in the way. The part of my transition I have mostly been concentrating on of late is freezing my eggs but that process may soon be coming to a close so I am starting to think more of the next stages a bit more like my legal name change, my gender marker, testosterone, packers and getting binders for safety. So that would be what I wish to concentrate more on at this chapter in my life. 🙂

Poem: Drag

Drag with all its beautiful fantasy

helped bring out the real me,

drag in all its beautiful creativity

helped me feel safe,

drag is also something I have done all my life

without realising,

I am an old pro without ever being on stage,

the stage has often being my life

at the risk of sounding like Shakespeare

and therefore drag has protected me,

Brian my wing man,

Lisa my wing woman,



who they have helped with love.

What’s your #1 priority tomorrow?

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

My number one priority tomorrow is the same one which I have had for almost three months: don’t smoke and keep going towards getting my eggs frozen. It is the biggest dream I have in my head right now and I can’t wait to get it done. I will then know that I am going to be a Daddy and it’ll be fab to know that. So yeah, that is absolutely my priority! 🙂