Courtney Act/Shane Jenek Wins Celebrity Big Brother!


I recently wrote some blog posts on CBBUK here and I didn’t get around to writing this one until today. But as most people are probably aware by now Courtney Act/Shane Jenek won Celebrity Big Brother on Friday night. It was probably the most nervous I have ever been watching a reality TV result. It came down to been predictably between Courtney and Ann and it felt so much more than a reality TV final. It felt like going back in times versus progression and thankfully with Courtney winning progression came out on top.

Leaving first on the night as previously said was ballet dancer Wayne Sleep followed by Ex on the Beach’s Jess Impiazzi and our very own Boyzone’s Shane Lynch came out in third. And then there was a half an hour to wait before the final big result where conservative MP Ann Widdecombe finished second to drag queen and Rupaul’s Drag Race runner-up Courtney Act/Shane Jenek. So happy!

Following the win, Courtney said to host Emma Willis in her interview,

“My inspiration coming into the house was that teenage boy who didn’t quite know where he belonged or how he fitted in and feeling inspired by the Spice Girls – and not knowing what that meant but knowing if it was ok for them to be different then it was ok for me to be different. I guess it’s validation that it’s ok to be different.”

Speaking about her friendship with fellow contestant, The Apprentice’s Andrew Brady, she said,

“He’s just so comfortable with everybody and everything. If more straight guys were more like him, the world would be a better place.”

Well done once again Shane/Courtney. Very proud of you! 🙂 And well done to the rest of the finalists too. 🙂

Check out Courtney’s amazing win here:

For more go to:



Why Shane Jenek/Courtney Act Is My CBB Winner!

The final has just started so I better type quick! 🙂



Shane Jenek/ Courtney Act is my winner because he has being so passionate about LGBTQI rights, feminism and veganism and he hasn’t being scared to stand up for what he believes in. He is the only one who has spoke out about Ann’s views. He has such a kind heart, a heart of gold really. His values and his morals are simply beautiful. He has educated so many people on so much things that are usually swept under the carpet in mainstream media which can only make things easier for many of us out here.


He also has a great sense of humour and had a wonderful friendship with Andrew and also with Danny, Johnny and Malika.


Shane Jenek/Courtney has been a wonderful representative for pansexual, gender fluid, polyamorous people as well as vegans, feminists, atheists, Australians and drag queens. Oh yeah and blondes too. 🙂 He’s so wonderful and warm, the warmth oozes through the screen. On a personal level, he has done pansexual people, feminists and atheists proud. The pride in my heart at the fact pansexuality was mentioned on Big Brother UK was huge as I don’t think that’s happened before.


A win for Shane Jenek/Courtney Act is a win for equality also. Good luck Shane Jenek/Courtney Act! I love you! 🙂


Update: Wayne’s just been voted out. Loving all the Courtney chants! Whatever happens this cool, wonderful person is my winner! 🙂

My Opinion Of The CBB Finalists!



So the CBBUK final is almost upon us. And what a couple of weeks it has been! The final seems to have come down to equality versus oppression which I don’t think any of us could predict when it began. We are down to our final five who are going head to head well very soon so what is my opinion of our remaining finalists …


Ann Widdecombe


I think Ann is prejudiced. I think there’s been so many excuses for Ann’s opinions and decisions made in her career that it gets old very fast. In my mind, there is no excuse for prejudice. Age and being a Catholic are not excuses. I think it’s very insulting to older people and Catholics who haven’t a prejudiced bone in their body. I’m in favour of people who try to make people’s lives easier, not harder and in Ann’s career she has made peoples’ lives harder. I also find her quite boring and she never likes to have a laugh. I think she has stopped a lot o people in there from being themselves. I don’t blame her for that because they should have being themselves regardless of Ann been there.


Jess Impiazzi



I think Jess is a nice girl. The little girl voice does get on my nerves though. My only fault really with Jess is that I thought both her and Wayne were terrible in the task where they put Shane J/Courtney as the least in almost everything positive. She did go a little bit with the defending of Ann and I don’t think that was right.


Shane Jenek/Courtney Act


I love Shane J/Courtney. I hadn’t heard of him before the show and now I am such a huge fan. The passion he has for LGBTQI rights, feminism and veganism is so wonderful. He was the only one with the guts to actually challenge Ann’s views. He is such a gorgeously kind person with a wonderful sense of humour. And his friendship with Andrew was lovely too.


Shane Lynch


Shane’s Irish so I’m happy he made the final. He hasn’t done enough to win but he’s a nice man. But again he nominated Shane J/Courtney in the defence of Ann and I was a little bit embarrassed by that.


Wayne Sleep

I do like Wayne. He’s a nice man who is very funny especially when he’s drunk and his dancing is great fun. But on the other hand he was defending Ann too which was strange for him to do as a gay man.

Why Chad Johnson Is My Celebrity Big Brother Winner!


Chad is my winner of CBB this year. It was a close run thing with Sarah for picking my winner but I like Chad a bit more than Sarah but I like her too. Their relationship has been beautiful to watch. It feels very genuine and they seem to be so at ease with each other. They are like chalk and cheese and yet have so much in common at the same time. A very sweet couple.

Chad has always been there for Sarah when she was facing so much shit in the house. That’s been very sweet to watch. He’s a lovely guy and very loyal. Also his one-liners have been classic. We as viewers have really got to know Chad’s real personality throughout the show. He has went from been thought of by viewers as the ‘player’ to us all seeing that he is a warm-hearted, gentle, nice and down-to-earth lad. I also love how easy-going his manner is and he had Sandi spot-on. I don’t think I could have took the control she had about the kitchen either.

He has did great no matter what happens. He’s the last American among 5 English people and that is a great achievement especially considering that he has been up for eviction every week.

Good luck Chad! 🙂


My Opinion of The BB Finalists!

Well it’s been an awesome few weeks of a show with Celebrity Big Brother. We’ve had ups, downs and romance. But now we are down to the final 6!

Here is my opinion of the remaining finalists in with the chance of been crowned champion tonight …


Amelia Lily

Amelia has come across very well and very down-to-earth. She does like Sam and I feel he has used her and that’s not been easy to watch. Didn’t believe that she was been selfless in the task by choosing to let Sarah see her friend instead of seeing her mum but otherwise I like her.

Chad Johnson

Chad is my winner. He is a really lovely guy and his relationship with Sarah has been great to watch. I think it’s very genuine between them and I really hope it works out after for them both. They have been each other’s rock in there. The following is not a reason why I’m for him but I did find out his real first name was Brian and that was my late father’s name so that’s a great added bonus.

Derek Acorah

Derek is a nice man and he has been great in the show. I hope he gets higher than the betting suggests.

Jemma Lucy

I know many people don’t like Jemma but I think she’s a nice girl. I don’t agree with some things she did in the show but I think she is a nice girl and I hope she does well in the final placings. She was also very real in the task when she chose to see her sister instead of letting Derek get a letter from his wife.

Sam Thompson

I’m not Sam’s biggest fan. I think the way he’s treated Amelia hasn’t been very nice. It does feel like he has been using her for airtime and his storyline in the show. That’s how it comes across in any case. Also I didn’t believe he was been selfless in the task letting Helen see her husband instead of seeing his sister.

Sarah Harding

I love Sarah. She has been through the mill in there and has come through with strength. She’s a lovely girl and her relationship with Chad has been lovely to watch. Their relationship has been the highlight of a great season. She’s my runner-up.

Scotty T Wins Celebrity Big Brother!

Last night my mum, my sister and I had our Big Brother party while watching the CBB final. My mum and I had bets on Stephanie Davis so it was a nail-biting finish in which our fairytale end to the party sadly didn’t happen.

In the end glory went to Geordie Shore’s Scotty T who completed a hat-trick of wins for Geordie Shore cast members following Charlotte Crosby’s previous CBB win and Vicky Pattison’s I’m A Celeb triumph. Second place went to former Hollyoaks actress Stephanie Davis while Darren Day and Tiffany Pollard rounded off the top four finishing in third and fourth place respectively. Danniella Westbrook finished in 5th spot while John Partridge finished in 6th place.

Following his win Scotty said,

“I cannot believe it. All I’m thinking is I need a drink! I’ve been what I’m normally like. On Geordie Shore you only see the edited side of me. In therethat’s what I’m normally like. I made good friends.”

Congratulations Scotty! 🙂 And all the other finalists too! 🙂

My Opinion Of The CBB 2016 Finalists!

It has been yet another eventful CBB over the past couple of weeks and we have yet again almost reached the finale. With six finalists left here is my opinion on the final six in the running to become the next CBB champ!:

Tiffany Pollard

Tiffany has been lovely and hilarious in this year’s CBB. Her friendship with Gemma has been wonderful to watch. She is so entertaining and the night when she kissed Jeremy and Scotty in the truth or dare game was a memorable night in this year’s CBB.

John Partridge

There was the Darren nomination which wasn’t a good moment for John in it but I do like him in it and if Tiffany or Gemma don’t win I hope John does. He has been entertaining and nice.

Darren Day

Darren seems a nice man but I don’t think he has been that entertaining in it.

Scotty T

Like Darren, I think Scotty seems a nice man but he hasn’t been that entertaining in it.

James Hill Wins Celebrity Big Brother 2015!

Tonight the Celebrity Big Brother final took place and it was 28-year-old former Apprentice star and businessman James Hill who was crowned the winner ahead of best pal in the house 27-year-old model and reality star Austin Armacost who finished second.

Third place was former Atomic Kitten singer Natasha Hamilton with comedian Bobby Davro finishing in fourth spot. Former X Factor couple Stevi Ritchie and Chloe-Jasmine Whichello finished fifth and Loose Women panalist Sherrie Hewson came sixth.

Following a nail-biting end to the finale with 2% in it, Hill, who was odds-on favourite going into the final, prevailed to win. In the battle of the nations, it was fitting that it was a battle to the end between the last American and last British standing. I was for Austin so it was sad he didn’t win but it was so lovely seeing him reunited with his husband Jake Lees. They are such a lovely couple.

Well done James on the win! 🙂 Well done Austin on becoming the runner-up! 🙂 And well done to all the finalists! 🙂

My Verdict On The CBB Finalists!

So as Frank Sinatra might say, “Now the end is near …” and we have most certainly almost reached the final curtain of CBB 2015. So I have decided to give my final verdict on each of the finalists below. Enjoy!

Austin Armacost

My winner. He’s been nice, honest, real and really entertaining. All the ingredients you need in a CBB winner. Of course there’s been mistakes he’s made in there but haven’t they all made mistakes in there in one way or another? They are all human after all. At least he always owns up to what he’s done wrong and apologises. I also love seeing him doing the Yorkshire accent and I think he’s got a good sense of humour. Austin for the win! 🙂

Bobby Davro

I can’t really get past the comment he made to Farrah about been evil on the inside. I wouldn’t say that to my worse enemy. Aside from that I think he has been a bit boring in the show but on positive note the way he looked after Austin when he broke down was very caring and you could see his fatherly side which was a nice side to see.

James Hill

He might win but I don’t think he should. James might be a nice guy outside the house but I don’t think he’s quite as caring about everyone who he sees as “fragile” as he makes out. I do think he’s playing the Mr. Nice Guy role a bit too much but loyalty is a huge plus quality and I think voting for Austin when they hung around the most in the house together was wrong and what was worse about that was he couldn’t admit or possibly see that it was wrong. He can be a bit boring in it too.

Natasha Hamilton

Natasha is a bit boring in it in my opinion. I just don’t think she has done enough in there to win.

Sherrie Hewson

Like Natasha, Sherrie hasn’t really did enough to win but I will say in the last few episodes I think Sherrie has been coming more into her own and we’re beginning to hear her opinions and they mostly seem pretty on point to me. It’s a bit late in the game to come more into the show for her to win. Maybe if the series was longer it would be a different story.

Stevi Ritchie & Chloe-Jasmine Whichello

My runners-up. I like Stevi but as I said in a previous post I do like Chloe the best of them both. However the more you watch them the more you do get to like them more and more as a couple. Yes, it can be cringe-worthy tv at times but there is something very likable about them together.