Keeping Up With Jaktin!

So it’s been just over a week since Austin Armacost existed the Big Brother house as this year’s runner up in CBB and I’ve been keeping up with what’s been happening with one of my new favourite celeb couples Austin and his adorable husband Jake Lees or Jaktin as I’ve christened them. I think they probably should have their own reality show and their sweet little Chihuahua who is in Jake’s twitter profile pic with them could be running around the place and James Hill could visit.

So just what’s been happening since in Jaktin world?

Well a good place to start might be the CBB afterparty where we got some lovely pics of the happy couple kissing and holding hands. We also had some pics of Austin and James as the CBB bromance goes from strength to strength.

Following the afterparty Austin and James settled back into married bliss with Jake tweeting,

By Friday, the couple were partying in Stroke where Austin was making an appearance in Gossip Stroke with Blue’s Duncan James and Jake tweeting,

And Austin tweeted about his belated letter from home from Jake,

By the 26th the busy couple were on Irish shores in Belfast at Boombox Belfast and still on Celtic shores in Polo Lounge Glasgow on the 27th. On Sunday Austin will be playing in the Sellebrity soccer match as will James.

Some Articlesย

James Hill Wins Celebrity Big Brother 2015!

Tonight the Celebrity Big Brother final took place and it was 28-year-old former Apprentice star and businessman James Hill who was crowned the winner ahead of best pal in the house 27-year-old model and reality star Austin Armacost who finished second.

Third place was former Atomic Kitten singer Natasha Hamilton with comedian Bobby Davro finishing in fourth spot. Former X Factor couple Stevi Ritchie and Chloe-Jasmine Whichello finished fifth and Loose Women panalist Sherrie Hewson came sixth.

Following a nail-biting end to the finale with 2% in it, Hill, who was odds-on favourite going into the final, prevailed to win. In the battle of the nations, it was fitting that it was a battle to the end between the last American and last British standing. I was for Austin so it was sad he didn’t win but it was so lovely seeing him reunited with his husband Jake Lees. They are such a lovely couple.

Well done James on the win! ๐Ÿ™‚ Well done Austin on becoming the runner-up! ๐Ÿ™‚ And well done to all the finalists! ๐Ÿ™‚

My Verdict On The CBB Finalists!

So as Frank Sinatra might say, “Now the end is near …” and we have most certainly almost reached the final curtain of CBB 2015. So I have decided to give my final verdict on each of the finalists below. Enjoy!

Austin Armacost

My winner. He’s been nice, honest, real and really entertaining. All the ingredients you need in a CBB winner. Of course there’s been mistakes he’s made in there but haven’t they all made mistakes in there in one way or another? They are all human after all. At least he always owns up to what he’s done wrong and apologises. I also love seeing him doing the Yorkshire accent and I think he’s got a good sense of humour. Austin for the win! ๐Ÿ™‚

Bobby Davro

I can’t really get past the comment he made to Farrah about been evil on the inside. I wouldn’t say that to my worse enemy. Aside from that I think he has been a bit boring in the show but on positive note the way he looked after Austin when he broke down was very caring and you could see his fatherly side which was a nice side to see.

James Hill

He might win but I don’t think he should. James might be a nice guy outside the house but I don’t think he’s quite as caring about everyone who he sees as “fragile” as he makes out. I do think he’s playing the Mr. Nice Guy role a bit too much but loyalty is a huge plus quality and I think voting for Austin when they hung around the most in the house together was wrong and what was worse about that was he couldn’t admit or possibly see that it was wrong. He can be a bit boring in it too.

Natasha Hamilton

Natasha is a bit boring in it in my opinion. I just don’t think she has done enough in there to win.

Sherrie Hewson

Like Natasha, Sherrie hasn’t really did enough to win but I will say in the last few episodes I think Sherrie has been coming more into her own and we’re beginning to hear her opinions and they mostly seem pretty on point to me. It’s a bit late in the game to come more into the show for her to win. Maybe if the series was longer it would be a different story.

Stevi Ritchie & Chloe-Jasmine Whichello

My runners-up. I like Stevi but as I said in a previous post I do like Chloe the best of them both. However the more you watch them the more you do get to like them more and more as a couple. Yes, it can be cringe-worthy tv at times but there is something very likable about them together.

My Favourite Four Currently In Celebrity Big Brother!

Celebrity Big Brother 2015 is underway and it is the battle of Britain and America. So who is my top four favourites? Read on to find out …

Austin Armacost

I love his honesty and he’s very entertaining as are the entire US team whether you like some of them or not. Very interesting, talks a lot of sense and seems very nice.

Janice Dickinson

I wasn’t crazy about Janice in the jungle but I’ve warmed to her in the CBB house. She seems really interesting and brings a lot to the show and seems nice.

Jenna Jameson

Jenna seems very down-to-earth and nice and again is very entertaining.

James Hill

James seems nice and is my favourite of the British in the house.