Spotlight On … Sam Ajjuri!

Recently I interviewed the very talented Sam Ajjuri. Here is the interview below:

What made you realise that music was the profession that you wanted to pursue?

Simply how quick things began to happen, from collaborations to gigs and to people that wanted to hear my music, these are all things I really never thought I’d do within the one year I began rapping!

Who are your musical influences?

My moods, trust me haha!

What influences your songs?

My aims and plans, my achievement aimed at that particular project, I could pick up a pen one day and be influenced by a total twat. That makes me want to write Bars and that could end up being a track that goes viral…. We live in a crazy world!

Is there any songwriters whose work you draw inspiration from?

Completely not actually (not in a weird way) but for me being a song writer is just a title. The reality of it is, or my reality at least is song writing is a spare of the moment think out loud thing with of course a nice melody. My life experiences really can be the only influence to a song written.

You are currently working on a mix tape. How has that experience been?

Long, tiring, painful, frustrating, indecisive, emotional and challenging. But the best experience of my life and I wouldn’t change a second for shit.

Tell us about Homeboy OgO?

My life. Homeboy OgO is my gang, my family and my future the concept is to make a change if even a small one it’s a statement and its proof of the hustle, as typical and cliché as that sounds…

Tell us about your work as a dj?

I have quite a big gig soon that’s being organized!! I loved djíng forever!! And It’s a good way to take me away from writing for a couple of hours a day, to do something a lil more than sitting at my desk! Hip hop, EDM, TRAP mainly but I do adore all types of house and chill too!! And its how I make my money too, so great stuff all round! I love it!

What’s next for you in your career?

Forcing Nicki into retirement 😉 haha! The beauty is with what I do is I ain’t got a clue what’s next only god knows!

To hear more of Sam Ajjuri’s music go to:


