Poem: Just A Bump

Photo by Holden Baxter on Unsplash

Life has its ups and downs,

those bumps in the road,

just another bump,

won’t be forever,

trying to love myself again,

know I will get through,

will find a way,

always do,

will be helped,

always have been,

my anxiety is flaring,

guilt and shame,

regrets and stuck in a rut,

confusion and trying to be better,

I will be and I will get better,

just a bump in the road

of a long road,

just a bump.

Heartstopper Volume 2 By Alice Oseman Review!

Heartstopper Volume 2 (2019) by Alice Oseman is an excellent read.

In the second book of the series, Nick is nervous about being open about his sexuality so he and Charlie keep their relationship secret. We also meet many old and new characters who all play various roles in Nick and Charlie’s stories for better or for worse.

I think it is another incredible read. There are many characters of varying sexualities, romantic orientations and gender identities. Diversity is a major theme in this series in general. There is also racial diversity and age diversity. All of which I think is fantastic and so many people will see themselves in the characters which is wonderful. I find the way Nick’s story of being in the closet is written is beautiful. I love how caring both he and Charlie are towards each other and are always thinking of each other’s feelings. It warmed my little Queer heart. 🙂 It is wonderful that Nick was under no pressure to come out or be forced out because no one ever should feel that. That is a great message of the book. Bullying is also an important theme which is covered in the book as Charlie struggles with the bullying he receives from some of Nick’s friends.

I love the friendships in the book especially Charlie’s friendship with Tao. The scene where Tao is really looking out for him was great. Some great new couples too with Tao and Elle and Darcy and Tara. As always love the relationship with Nick and his Mum.

To get your free copy of Heartstopper Volume 2 by Alice Oseman go to:

Heartstopper Volume 2

For more about Alice Oseman and her work go to:



90 Classic Books For People In A Hurry By Henrik Lange Review!

90 Classic Books For People In A Hurry (2009) by Henrik Lange is a fun read.

The book has comic strips about 90 classic books. The comic strips are created very well and are fun. I think it is a really creative book and way to present the books and get people interested in them. Or to get a quick synopsis of several books.

The book also contains a list of the 90 books which is helpful as a checklist if you wish to challenge yourself to read the 90. There are a certain amount I have read but so many I haven’t and I would love to read many more of these.

Witty and joyful.

To purchase 90 Classic Books For People In A Hurry by Henrik Lange go to:

For more about Henrik Lange and his work go to:


Poem: Growth

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

I want to grow,

craving growth,

fearing growth,

I welcome it

but I run from it,

will I still like myself

when I learn more?

Will I still like myself

when the denial is over?

But oh how freeing it will be,

welcome growth,



welcome growth,

save me,

change me for the better,

little step by little step,





Heartstopper Volume 1 By Alice Oseman Review!

Heartstopper Volume 1 (2019) by Alice Oseman is a fantastic introduction to the series.

The protagonists Nick and Charlie meet at Truham Grammar School for Boys. Nick had heard of Charlie who was outed the year before while Charlie is recovering from the bullying he faced after he was outed. He is also facing a toxic situation with an ex-boyfriend. Instantly the two hit it off.

I think the book is beautiful and romantic. They are so suited and so cute together. I love how the comic has a bit of everything in it from the fluffy and romantic adorableness of their relationship to hard-hitting issues like outing someone before they are ready, bullying and sexual harassment. The drawings really bring the story alive and readers will be engrossed all the way through. It’s great to see books like this in the Young Adult genre especially for young Queer readers to see themselves in.

An amazing and must-read.

To get your free copy of Heartstopper Volume 1 by Alice Oseman go to:

Heartstopper Volume 1

For more about Alice Oseman and her work go to:


Bedroom DJ: A Beginners Guide By Piper Terrett Review!

Bedroom DJ: A Beginner’s Guide (2003) by Piper Terrett is a wonderful read.

The story is a mixture of Piper’s story of getting into djing and interviews with others in the business. I find Piper’s writing style very conversational and fun. There isn’t a pretentious feel to the story but rather a very relatable story of trying something new and encouragement that you should. The interviews are very interesting.

There is a lot of tips packed in here. So much history of djing too which was intriguing. It had a nostalgic vibe to it as well which was interesting to compare to the modern world of djing. So different but still the same in many ways. Very interesting to read Piper’s story of being a female DJ in what often is a male-dominated world even to an extent now. I loved reading how she made her breakthrough and all the graft and hurdles she overcame to do so. It goes to show if you put the work in and want something enough you can make it a reality even as a beginner and that it’s never too late to go after your dreams.

A really enjoyable read.

To purchase Bedroom DJ: A Beginners Guide By Piper Terrett go to:

For more about Piper Terrett and her work go to:
