Friday Fictioneers: So Sensible


PHOTO PROMPT © Linda Kreger 



So Sensible


It was one of those days. You are on holidays. You do a pub crawl and you end up doing that dance they do at weddings or New Year’s parties. Follow the leader? Everyone get in a line? Become a train carriage? Something like that. (Too drunk to know darlings!) And passers-by think you are a crazy but you are living your best life.

But come tomorrow, they will probably be the ones living it up.

Sometimes you just got to unwind and not be so sensible.


My book Black Coat based on a previous Friday Fictioneers prompt is available at:


Free copies of After The Fishing Trip available. Contact me at


To get an idea about After The Fishing Trip go here:

For Friday Fictioneers Writing Prompt. Check out the website at:

26 comments on “Friday Fictioneers: So Sensible

  1. neilmacdon says:

    Good advice, Lisa

  2. Iain Kelly says:

    Everyone needs to let loose once in a while! 🙂

  3. Dear Lisa,

    We all need to let our hair down from time to time. Good one.



  4. Oh yes, completely agree that sometimes you just have to unwind! Nice one. 🙂

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  5. granonine says:

    We were definitely unwound on that day 🙂

  6. Letting loose can be a lot of fun.

  7. draliman says:

    It’s good to let off steam once in a while 🙂

  8. Nan Falkner says:

    There is a lot of truth in letting yourself go and enjoy the moment!

  9. Abhijit Ray says:

    It is good to lose sense once in a while and put the hair down.

  10. Dale says:

    This was fun and yes, it is a good thing to let loose once in a while!

  11. A good description of people partying and joining in what might be described as a type of Conga Line, Lisa. Well done. It’s too bad the next morning sometimes brings a hangover. 🙂 — Suzanne

  12. It’s good to throw caution to the winds and enjoy ourselves from time to time. Great story, Lisa.

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